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FeaturesNo. of applicationSpecification
10155BUG-000110GL entries of costs during a move are not always correctly positioned as Debit and Credit.
10162BUG-000107The printed document must be titled "Credit Note" when it is a credit note.
10163JOV Project Ledger To Invoice - If a transaction is in Move Pending, it should not be possible to make a revision on this transaction from the invoice preparation screen.
10193When creating transactions during an invoice cancellation, do not copy the Move Pending field.
10199The tax region code is incorrect when an expense statement is transferred to suppliers.
10203Preview transaction report - The reversal transaction does not correctly present debits/credits.
10204JOV Project Ledger To Invoice - Transactions that are in Move Pending, whether selected or not, do not appear on the screen.
10209Posting a sales invoice does not always use the correct WIP or Revenue account based on the Task and Contract Type.
10210Specific case where amounts are negative in debits and credits.
10210Case of negative amounts in debits/credits during an intercompany Move transaction.
10234When posting an invoice is followed by its cancellation, and there are Move Pending transactions included in that invoice, the correct transactions are not available to be invoiced again.
10238If a Move is performed on a transaction that is not in an intercompany context into another company, and another Move is performed to return it to a company without an intercompany context, one of the intercompany entries is not reversed.
10242Transactions remain stuck in the JOV Posting Journal Buffer, blocking all future postings with an unhandled error.