What's new
- Advanced invoicing
- Labour invoicing methods – Support of markup before benefits
Advanced invoicing
Advanced invoicing makes it possible to have formats and sequences disconnected from the project structure. In an advanced invoicing concept, projects are identified as such and it is possible to manually create formats and sequences, and link sequences to projects and tasks for invoicing.
In advanced invoicing formats, it is now possible to limit formats and/or sequences to a single project. In this case, the project is identified in the header of the format or sequence. Otherwise, tasks from various projects can be grouped together on a same format or sequence.
Moreover, functions have been added from project tasks to quickly create new sequences in advanced invoicing formats or to quickly add tasks in existing sequences.
It is important to note that a same task cannot be referenced in more than one sequence. For more information, refer to the documentation.
Labour invoicing methods – Support of markup before benefits
When this setting is True, the billable calculation from a cost markup is done on the resource salary (Direct unit cost). If False, the markup is calculated from the salary + social benefits (Unit cost).
Features | No. of application | Specification |
6283 | BUG-000026 | Invoicing report – The period is now identified with “For the period until xxx” without mentioning the start date. |
6775 | Expense report – The “Reopen” button is displayed twice. | |
6999 | Search entries – Access to the project journal has disappeared from the General Ledger. | |
7080 | Invoicing methods – It is now possible to enter different rules if the only difference is the unit of measure. | |
7116 | Advanced invoicing | |
7367 | API Core | |
7615 | Ability to transfer a project from simplified invoicing to advanced invoicing. | |
7628 | Labour invoicing methods – Support of markup before benefits. | |
7849 | Destroying a preparation must correctly reset associated detailed type sequences. | |
7862 | JOV Detailed Resource Utilization – Lines – Display dates and quantity and access to detail. | |
7863 | JOV Detailed Resource Utilization – Lines – Planning Lines page quick opening. | |
7883 | Project and task copy – Support copy of Planning Lines. | |
7888 | BUG-000054 | Block the ability to enter time in a category that does not belong to the category group associated to the task. |
7903 | Block project currency change if it is referenced by sequences. | |
7991 | BUG-000055 | The grouping of the Detail section is not carried out correctly when the client language is something other than English. |
8002 | JOV Project – Add Attachments and Comments based on the standard. | |
8003 | Add to the Project Journal validation the ability to control the combination of custom dimensions restricted to a given company. | |
8015 | Automatically add resources to the project team if a transaction is posted for a resource that does not belong to the team. The role of this resource is also added. | |
8016 | BUG-000058 | Standardize the use of capital letters at the beginning of page names. |