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Version: V1.0.0

What’s new

  • Tax Details added to project transaction journals
  • Improvements in the handling of client billing addresses
  • Improvements to the Move and Mass Move functionalities
  • Invoice Comment added to Payables

Tax Details added to project transaction journals

In the JOV Project Journal, it is now possible to view the detailed tax calculations using the following function :

Navigate => Tax Details


It is not yet possible to modify the calculation result. This feature will be available in version 1.01.

Improvements in the handling of client billing addresses

The address on the invoice used to come from the client identified in the domain. Now, the Invoice Customer No. indicates the client and their address to be used for billing based on the Billing Department. The displayed contacts are also linked to the Invoice Customer No. field and show the contacts associated with the client in the company billing the project.


The Invoiced Customer No. is no longer used but must be filled in for standard requirements.

Improvements to the Move and Mass Move functionalities

Various fixes were made in the Move functionality to improve validations and recalculations.

Invoice Comment added to Payables

An Invoice Comment box was added to the payables screens so that it can be filled in transactions related to projects and displayed on the invoice.


FeaturesNo. of applicationspecification
3632Add Tax Detail in Project Transaction Journals.
4794Validate currency code change on the project card.
5407Deleting a task does not delete the associated budget.
5562Display the Invoice Comment field in payables.
5737Improve Move and Mass Move.
5800Improve client address processing for invoicing.